File Upload Instructions

Thank you for your order! Please carefully read the 5 step Instructions below to send us all of the files for your order at once.

We recommend doing this part from a Desktop Computer or Laptop.

Step 1

After reading all of the Instructions, click HERE to go to Upload page.

(If you are prompted with a WeTransfer Plus screen, click “I just want to send files.”)

Step 2

For “Email to” put:

(Feel free to copy & paste our email from above. If for any reason it’s spelt incorrect, we will not receive your files.)

Step 3

For “Your Email” put: your email address.

Step 4

Click “Add Files” and Select ALL of your Music AND Image files.

(You will upload all of your music and images together in 1 upload.)

Step 5

Click “Transfer” and wait for files to reach 100%.

(There is also a message box for you to leave any special instructions. Example: Please burn with no gaps between songs, Here’s the song order, etc.)

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